How to Safely Use Your Treadmill
Treadmills can provide amazing fitness and wellbeing benefits. No one wants to get hurt while exercising. There are things you can do to more safe...
Read moreTreadmill Max is an innovation that will change your treadmill workouts forever! It will stabilize you on the treadmill, which allows you to increase your speed, incline or both. Since you're more stable, you're more comfortable, which allows you to stay on the treadmill longer. You'll burn more calories and
build more muscle than ever before.
Learn more:
"I love The MAX Treadmill Maximizer. It makes the user feel stable and comfortable on the treadmill."
– Lisa Bott
"There's nothing available that compares for improving general health, fitness, and endurance. Treadmill MAX makes a truly great workout possible for all users."
– Dr. Jeffrey Sheppard, Chiropractor | St. John, NB, Canada
"Get twice the workout in half the time!"
– Darian Cruz NCAA Champion Athlete
The Treadmill Max Treadmill Stability Belt for Personal Use helps you improve your posture and comfort while exercising and help you increase your speed and incline angle.
The Treadmill Max Treadmill Stability Belt for Professional Use helps you increase your speed and incline angle for maximum performance and safety.
Treadmills can provide amazing fitness and wellbeing benefits. No one wants to get hurt while exercising. There are things you can do to more safe...
Read moreIncline walking on a treadmill increases the workload, raising heart rate without having to risk aggravation of injury by running. Walking on an i...
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